Neocon for war (on fat)

Like all neocons Michael Fumento loves war. What distinguishes him is his love of a war on fat. Fumento believes that we must wage war on fat because we all must pay for the increased health care costs associated with obesity. However, Fumento does not question the government polices which relieved individuals of responsibility for financing their own health care, thus making it easier for individuals to avoid facing the consequences of their unhealthy behavior. Thus, instead of endorsing a restoration of individual control of, and responsibility for, health care, Fumento endorses massive new government intrusions into our lifes. As predicated last week Fumento plays the national security card, arguing that the government needs to make sure children are fit and trim so they can serve as cannon fodder for his neocon pals’ future crusades.


9:34 pm on July 11, 2005