More Police Shenanigans at Duke

The latest police escapades at Duke University, where Durham detectives suddenly appeared at the dormitory rooms of some of the players in order to “get more information.” Despite the efforts of the mainstream media to make this look like routine police work, this was a cynical attempt to make it look as though the players are stonewalling (or putting up a “wall of silence,” as one of my political science colleagues put it).

The players had no choice but to hire counsel, given the mob atmosphere in this situation. When students and professors are holding up signs exclaiming “Confess!” and the president of the university expresses his “disappointment” that the players hired lawyers, all of us know how this deck is stacked.

When indictments appear — at they surely will — it will not be a sign that “something must have happened,” but rather another reminder that (1) prosecutors fully control the grand jury process in most instances, and (2) prosecutors today do not care about guilt or innocence, but rather just want to “win” for political purposes.

One more thing is in order: ALL of the major players in this drama calling for indictments and convictions are Democrats. While we have rightly excoriated Republicans on this page, we must keep in mind that Democrats have no more interest in justice than do Republicans.


11:37 am on April 15, 2006