More Historical Whitewashing

A friend recently brought to my attention a web site with information about slaveryin the Northern states prior to 1866 ( The author of the site has put together a wealth of historical information, including books, articles, statistics, etc. He has his own web site now, but he was apparently censored by Google when he first started out. He tells the story of how he originally put up “severalpages describing the history of slavery inthe North, originally as part of an overall clump of Civil War pages.”

They were linked all over, especially in web pages used by schools. Then, he noticed a “dramatic drop in the number of hits to the Northern slavery pages.” “I did a Google search of ‘Northern slavery’, he writes, and “my pages were no longer at the top of the list. They weren’t on the list at all.”

As to why this happened, he says, “I don’t know why. I don’t like to admit my Southern friends were not merely being paranoid. But I can’t find any other explanation.”


3:50 pm on July 21, 2004