Moral equivalence and the Duke case

Anthony Bradley of the Acton Institute offers some thoughts on the Duke lacrosse phony rape case. Unfortunately, Bradley is more concerned with the lacrosse players’ moral failings than with the abuse of state power.

Bradley actually puts the Duke players and the stripper who leveled the false accusations that could have sent these innocent young men to jail on “the same moral plane.” The only mention Bradly makes of Nifong’s outrageous conduct is one reference to an “over-zealous” prosecutor.

While I am not defending hiring strippers for drunken college parties, it is a warped view of the world that would suggest that the lacrosse players choice of entertainment in any way justified the hell they were put through by the State of North Carolina. One expects this type of thing from The New York Times but it is disappointing to see this coming from an organization bearing the name of one of history’s greatest champions of liberty.


7:13 pm on April 30, 2007