Mont Pelerin tolerance + correction

In 1984 I did some work for the Libertarian Party, the first and last. But I appreciate many of its efforts.

At that time I considered supporting Cato Institute. Glad I didn’t, but it has produced some good work.

I thought it might be nice to join the Mont Pelerin Society. No one asked me. (You need two sponsors.) I have no regrets, especially now that I’ve heard that Paul Craig Roberts resigned his membership.

A few years ago an Israeli colleague of mine who has done much research on Social Security and who has a “reform-government” attitude told me he had been inducted into Pelerin. I declined his help to get in, even as I told him that he should stop trying to reform Social Security and speak for abolishing it.

Organizations have a way of drifting and being captured by elements inimical to their charters.

Still, when they say or do something helpful to the cause of liberty, that is all to the good. We cannot agree with anyone all the time on everything. Tolerance is called for and correcting them when they are on the wrong side of an issue.


9:40 am on August 22, 2008