Miracles Are Possible

In the Long Island section of today’s New York Times (not online, unfortunately) there is a favorable profile of me. The reporter and I chatted in my office for an hour and a half last week about my book, about Jeffersonian principles that both left and right despise, and about the ignorant campaign against the book by thought police who can’t even be bothered to read any of the relevant literature on the historical topics they claim to know so much about.

Incidentally, check out some of the most recent reviews of the book at Amazon. We have on display the ethically lovely practice of posting reviews not on the basis of the book itself but on the basis of Max Boot’s review. (Before that, we had people posting reviews on the basis of the New York Times attack, which was essentially the same as Boot’s — more evidence that neocon means leftist.) Then I’m called all kinds of names on the basis of, well, nothing. As one blogger told me, I must be hitting them where it hurts.


12:27 pm on February 20, 2005