Military Values

“Substance abuse in the US military has escalated to the point that it is now a ‘public health crisis,’ according to a new report. The Defense Department requested the analysis by the Institute of Medicine.” Here are the findings:

  • Around 20% of active-duty troops said they drank heavily in 2008 (five or more drinks per day, on a regular basis).
  • Nearly half—47%—engaged in binge drinking in 2008 (five or more drinks per sitting for men, four or more for women, but not on a regular basis). That’s up from 35% in 1998.
  • Drug abuse is not nearly as rampant as alcohol abuse, but it is still on the rise. In 2002, just 2% said they abused prescription drugs; that rose to 11% in 2008.

Can’t beat those military values.


7:01 am on September 18, 2012