Mental Conditioning

Writes Bob Churchill:

My reaction to Mr. Obama’s recent comments including the following:

“And with Ipods and Ipads; and Xboxes and Playstations—none of which I know how to work—information becomes a distraction, a form of entertainment, rather than a tool of empowerment, rather than a means of emancipation. So all of this is not only putting pressure on you; it’s putting new pressure on our country and our democracy.”


“With so many voices clamoring for attention on blogs, and on cable, and on talk radio, it can be difficult, at times, to sift through it all; to know what to believe, to know who is telling the truth and who’s not. Let’s face it; even some of the craziest claims can gain traction. I have had some experience in that regard”

…was to read them as:

“WE are the gatekeepers. No need to trouble yourselves. No need to take responsibility. No need to think. No need to reconsider what you were taught in our schools when you were separated from your parents—or in the approved media whenever. Move it along. Move it along. Nothing to see here.”

That is scary.

It’s funny, now that I’m sensitized to it I see this sort of “mental conditioning” going on all the time. For example, I was recently watching a show on the discovery Channel or the Science Channel that talked about momentum/energy weapons—basically getting a really fast-moving slug of inert mass to plow into something, creating a lot of damage and with the ability to dig fairly deep holes if enough energy is involved (I think Joe Haldeman in The Forever War described an enemy object approaching Earth at about .6C, but that’s an oddity for another day). The specific example given on the show was Earth separatists holing up on the moon (no mention was ever made of anything they stole, any crimes they might have committed, or any violence they might have perpetrated) and the governments of the Earth attacking them—as if a group of non-violent people had no innate right to secede from them, even on a completely different world. That’s right, there is no escape from us. You WILL be assimilated and you will STAY assimilated and you will bloody LIKE it. You will like the TAXES and you will like the REGULATIONS and you will like the BAILOUTS and you will like the WARS and you will NOT QUESTION anything and you will NOT CHALLENGE anything and to do so is cause for the MOST EXTREME PUNISHMENT.

And people just clamor for more of it. I can’t wait to see what happens if any states actually have the temerity to try to secede. You just know they’ll roll the tanks in. It’s bad enough what’s being done to people trying to leave this country with their own assets now…


8:37 am on May 18, 2010