Man of Steel versus the Dark Knight

J.H.and Ryan Superman has always upheld the idea that the only threat to peace and prosperity comes from private criminals and the way to safety is for individuals to submit to the “protection” of the state and its allies. Libertarians should prefer Batman who works to delver justice outside of the state apparatus. In most of his modern incarnations, policeman (except for Commissioner Jim Gordon) are part of the problem.

The contrast between Batman and Superman was made explicit in Frank Miller’s “Dark Night Returns” where Batman reemerges in violation of a federal law outlawing costumed heroes to face off with Superman, who has become an official agent of the state. During their battle, Batman attacks Superman for always “saying yes to anyone with a badge, or a flag, just like your parents taught you,” whereas Bruce Wayne’s parents “taught me a different lesson, lying in the street, dying for no reason at all.”


6:07 pm on July 3, 2006