Major Fallacies of Progressives: #2

There is a website devoted to progressive criticisms of libertarianism. It states that Robert Locke’s 2005 article “Marxism of the Right” “…is the best, simplest, clearest indictment of libertarianism found for this site. It will appeal to liberals and progressives as well as conservatives.”

Maybe Locke’s article does have that broad appeal to people in those political categories. What do they all have in common? They are pro-state and anti-freedom. They support all those who run the territorial state and their governments and benefit from them: the nomenklatura, the government bureaucracies, the corporate interests, the lobbies of many sorts, the interest groups, the professional groups, the university interests, the welfare state interests, the warfare state interests, the police state interests, the education interests, the agriculture interests, etc. They support democracy and democratic socialism. They are against freedom and free markets. This is why liberals, progressives and conservatives unite to attack and smear libertarians, attempting to define libertarianism falsely.

There is an article that responds to Locke’s criticisms that is titled “A Libertarian Response to Robert Locke”. This is a long and detailed response.


7:57 am on May 22, 2014