LRC Events: Tom vs. Tom, Shaffer vs. Shaffer, Burt vs. London

I can’t make this stuff up. Tomorrow Tom Woods will be speaking in Garden City, NY, (note last minute room update!). Also tomorrow, Tom DiLorenzo will be speaking in Milwaukee, WI. The Austrian Students Scholars Conference is in Grove City, PA this weekend. Then Butler Shaffer will be speaking in Portland, OR on the 12th while his wife Jane speaks at the Freedom Summit in Phoenix, AZ along with Jim Bovard and Karen Kwiatkowski.

Finally, can you sense a subtle pattern here?, Burt’s LRC Conference will be the weekend of the 18th in San Mateo, CA. That same weekend Richard Ebeling, Frank Van Dunn and Sean Gabb will be featured at Liberty 2005 in London, England. For the devoted LRCer this November, time travel will be key. See all the details in November LRC Events.


8:04 pm on November 1, 2005