LRC Defined by the WaPo

Writes Bill Watkins:

“A friend just directed my attention to the following blurb in today’s WaPo article on Ron Paul: ‘Rockwell is best known for his blog,, a libertarian watering hole where revisionist history comes mixed with conspiracy theories. (Multiple posts in recent weeks have touched on the JFK assassination and FDR’s alleged foreknowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack.) Paul has written that he visits every day.’

“Yikes, those crazy conspiracy theories! Nobody in their right mind can question the Warren Report, right? After all, Gerald Ford, Allen Dulles, former CIA Director, and John J. McCloy, former Director of the World Bank, were members, and they can neither deceive or be deceived, world without end, Amen. And why would the WaPo want to attack anyone who questions the official CIA storyline? For the answer to that, one can look to…where else…but an article posted on that describes an interesting relationship between the family that owns the WaPo and John J. McCloy.

“Also, since we are going to be hearing about conspiracies for a few days now that the memo has gone out, it might be helpful to point out that Black’s Law Dictionary defines a ‘conspiracy’ as ‘a combination or confederacy between two or more persons formed for the purpose of committing, by their joint efforts, some unlawful or criminal act…’ Omigosh, does that mean that the 19 hijackers on 911 were engaged in a “conspiracy”? You won’t read that in the WaPo, which has replaced ‘conspiracy’ with ‘terrorism’ on its spell checker.”


2:01 pm on December 16, 2011