Leftist Historians Hate Wal-Mart

Now a bunch of academic and media propagandists for federal power want to stop Wal-Mart from bringing low prices and great products to the working people of Orange County, Virginia. What is their excuse? The store is to be in a strip shopping mall one mile from a Civil War killing place. The deathfield, where 50,000 defenders defeated 100,000 invaders, is said to be “hallowed ground.” But Wal-Mart is not (and cannot) build there. However, the shopping area is also “hallowed” because it was a assembly zone for the aggressors. Can’t have it turned to commerce, a life-building activity disdained by socialist intellectuals and promoters. (via Drudge)

BTW, Orange County, home to Joanne Rothbard, is where she and Murray are buried. No question about what side they would be on!


1:46 pm on January 3, 2009