Latest News About the Ron Paul Campaign

From a longer article in the Houston Chronicle:

“Paul’s spokesman Jesse Benton said the national staff would likely be reduced from 150 to about 50, with those who worked in the Super Tuesday primaries in states such as California being let go.

“In addition, Benton said, he and other national staffers will transfer to Paul’s congressional re-election operation.

“But Benton said that even as Paul wages a primary campaign he will also continue running his presidential campaign in Texas. Three staffers will be assigned to his presidential effort here. He said that the Paul campaign has purchased about $700,000 worth of radio and cable television advertising that is scheduled to start running this week in the Houston, Austin and Dallas-Fort Worth markets.

“Benton said that Paul still has about $6 million in his presidential election account. He said the lawmaker cannot transfer that money to his congressional campaign unless he terminates his presidential effort, which he does not intend to do.

“But Benton said Paul had recently raised several hundred thousand dollars for his congressional race.”


10:38 am on February 10, 2008