Krugman Worships at the Feet of Pelosi


While you don’t seem to be mesmerized by Nancy Pelosi’s protestations that she is “saving the planet,” it seems she has one convert: Paul Krugman. In his column today, Krugperson truly goes off with the rants of a madman. It seems that is one does not believe in Global Warming with the fervency of Al Gore, then one is “crazy.”

Recently the Web site The Politico asked Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House, why she was blocking attempts to tack offshore drilling amendments onto appropriations bills. “I’m trying to save the planet; I’m trying to save the planet,” she replied.

I’m glad to hear it. But I’m still worried about the planet’s prospects.

True, Ms. Pelosi’s remark was a happy reminder that environmental policy is no longer in the hands of crazy people. Remember, less than two years ago Senator James Inhofe — a conspiracy theorist who insists that global warming is a “gigantic hoax” perpetrated by the scientific community — was the chairman of the Senate’s Environment and Public Works Committee.

Beyond that, Ms. Pelosi’s response shows that she understands the deeper issues behind the current energy debate.

According to Krugman — the man who is still a Keynesian True Believer — the view that increasing the supply of oil and gas will have a downward effect on their prices is “junk economics.” That is a howler, coming from him, the Prince of Junk Economics.

He goes on and on in his rant, but you get the picture. Krugman believes that the political classes must have absolute power to limit the consumption of fuel because if not, Global Warming will destroy us all.

What is more likely is that the power-grabbing political classes will destroy us all, as every human being emits Satanic Carbon. Thus, to limit carbon emissions really is a clarion call for the political classes to fully control people.

Of course, the political classes have a Wonderful Vision for us. It is just that they will not be sharing in that Vision. Like the class of priests in ancient Egypt who were made exempt from becoming slaves to Pharaoh, the political classes will not have to live like everyone else. My guess is that Krugman understands that he will be exempted just like all the others who help to empower monsters like Nancy Pelosi.


6:00 am on August 1, 2008