Krugman: Mises Was Insane (and so Is Ron Paul)

Yes, according to Paul Krugman, Ludwig von Mises suffered from a “mental monetary disorder.” Why? First, because Brad DeLong says so, and DeLong is the Very Voice of the Gods, and if he says Mises and Paul are insane, then there can be no dissent.

Why was Mises insane? Because he did believe that “economic expansion driven by monetary expansion must somehow be unsound and destructive.” And why do we know that printing money can lead to economic expansion that is sustainable? Because a baby-sitting co-op in Washington, D.C., allegedly printed more baby-sitting coupons which “solved” its problem of “lack of aggregate demand” during the winter months. I’m not kidding. This is what masquerades as “elite” academic economics these days.


6:15 am on November 15, 2011