Kirchickenhawk: “U.S. Should Kill More Black People in Africa”

Jamie Kirchick (a.k.a., Kirchickenhawk), the youngster at the left-wing New Republic magazine who teamed up with the Cato Institute (and, incredibly, a real, live, neo-Nazi) to slander and defame Ron Paul, thinks American taxpayers should devote some of their tax dollars to killing black people in Africa. That’s not exactly how he puts it, but it is the main point of this article in yesterday’s War Street Journal.

Like all the cowardly neocon chickenhawks, the thought apparently never enters his mind about how hypocritical he is by making such arguments while not joining the U.S. Army himself, or at least volunteering for the Zimbabwean resistance.

Grab a shotgun and head down to Zimbabwe, Jamie, if you’re so hot to kill black Africans, but leave the rest of us out of it.


1:13 am on April 25, 2008