Judges Outlaw More Freedom

“Are you straight or gay?” Federal commissars in San Francisco say that Roommates.com can’t ask, anymore than it can ask about race or religion. Freedom of speech and the press? Property rights? Freedom of association? Illegal. Notice alleged libertarian judge Alex Kosinki–a fave of the Orange Line mafia: “Not only does Roommate ask these questions, Roommate makes answering the discriminatory questions a condition of doing business.” Ohhh. Responds the heroic Roommates.com: “We believe the government has no business regulating the selection of roommates or advertising for roommates.”

Under freedom, property owners can choose their own roommates on any criterion they choose, whether the throught police approve or not, and so can a company catering to them. But note that discrimination–i.e. choice–is still allowed against men. Roommates.com can still ask: “Are you male or female?” But why is this sexism still allowed in the United Socialist States of America? (Thanks to Gary North.)


9:07 am on April 5, 2008