Jim Wallis: Supported by Oligarchs and the Ruling Class

Jim Wallis and the Sojourners outfit are portrayed in the media as brave souls standing up for the poor against the Evil Rich, standing up for life and Everything Else That Is Good. Wallis even has a blog called “God’s Politics,” which is decidedly pro-abortion, socialist, and a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party. Wallis claims to be against “the interests of the wealthy and large corporations,” which means in reality standing up for the interests of labor unions and the State.

Given his supposed viewpoints, one would think that he would be against self-interested oligarchs and the ruling classes. Think again. His organization has received hundreds of thousands of dollars from…George Soros, and wealthy foundations that clearly reflect the views of the very wealthy who long ago decided to live well on the fortunes their fathers and grandfathers made. Furthermore, as Robert Wenzel has pointed out in his recent column, Soros is using the OWS to shill for a new “trading tax” that ultimately will benefit…George Soros. (Wallis also has been a shill for this tax.) Yeah, I know that readers are shocked, SHOCKED that Wallis would be fronting for people whose real interests are very different than the interests of those they purport to serve.


6:58 am on October 20, 2011