JFK on Military Resistors

Writes Steve Candidus:

Words of wisdom on the 50th anniversary of his inauguration:

“…War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today…” — John F. Kennedy

If you want to know just how good a reputation I enjoy and just how much prestige I have when I inform someone that I am a Vietnam era draft resistor I will tell you — Zero!

I guess we still have a long way to go…

UPDATE from David Dunn:

Salam Alaikum, Lew. Please pass on to Steve Candidus that he has my respect and admiration for his brave resistance to the killer state.

Bravo to him and the others like him who took a true moral action against evil, while the rest of us talk about it.


5:09 pm on January 20, 2011