Jewish Vote and Obama-Netanyahu Scrap

Every day we see that a democracy with a powerful government that can legislate anything and do anything produces results miles away from the public interest and individual liberty, or that most legislation and executive actions are for private interests that trench on rights. Israel is a private interest of groups within America. Otherwise it would get very little play. Netanyahu is playing hardball. He wants in essence to get the U.S. government to commit to attacking Iran. That’s his interest, and it’s resisted even in Israel. (This is not in America’s public interest, but such an attack too is supported by private interests within America.) He knows Obama needs the Jewish vote in critical states, but he looks desperate to employ such a tactic. It’s definitely ungentlemanly in an election year to bite the hand that feeds you. Or he is so sure that he can make Obama bend? Or is he simply angry? Or does he feel he has little to lose since Obama is not kowtowing to him anyway? Romney has gone to Israel and kissed Netanyahu’s rear. Obama hasn’t and won’t. Netanyahu lets it leak out that he invited Obama to visit and that Obama refused. That’s in retaliation for the Obama administration’s recent volley in restraint of Israel attacking Iran. Obama’s lackeys now deny that any such formal offer was made. This is all within the scope of democratic politics. Who needs this crap?


6:05 am on September 12, 2012