It’s None of Our Business

Lew:  The 229-198 defeat of the “audit the fed” provision may prove more beneficial to the cause of liberty than would have been its passage.  Had the measure been approved, Boobus might have taken comfort in believing that some realistic audit might take place, whereas only a generalized, superficial accounting would likely ever have been provided.  You are right: Ron’s raising the issue has awakened millions to the fraudulent nature of this system, just as its defeat confirms how unwilling the political establishment is to having the underside of the rock revealed.  It would be interesting, of course, to ask of the 229 poseurs who like to be thought of as “representatives of the people” who the real “people” are for whose interests they pimp.

It is also of interest to note that of the 320 House members who originally supported the bill,  122 jumped ship when it mattered.  Why the shift in thinking?  What pressures/promises were brought to bear?  Their behavior reminds me of a joke the late Baldy Harper told to me decades ago:  An otherwise reasonable man became drunk at a party, picked up a wine bottle, and threw it into a chandelier.  The following day, he was asked by his host why he had done this unseemly act, to which the erstwhile drunk replied: “it just seemed like the thing to do at the time.”


2:49 pm on July 1, 2010