Is John Galt* alive and well in Colorado?

Fine for pot in Denver could go down to $1

A city panel in charge of overseeing marijuana possession crimes in Denver recommended on Wednesday that the fine for possession be set at $1. If Denver’s presiding judge accepts the recommendation from the Denver Marijuana Policy Review Panel, the fine would be the lowest in the entire nation for marijuana possession.

“By setting the fine at just $1, we are sending a message to Denver officials that the era of citing adults for using a less harmful drug than alcohol [emphasis mine] is over. It’s simply not worth the city’s time or resources,” said panel member and SAFER Executive Director Mason Tvert, who coordinated the successful Denver marijuana initiatives.

Though there is a “surprising” voice of dissent:

Lt. Ernest Martinez with the Denver Police Department is also part of the panel and voted against lowering the fine.

Of course Fuzz Martinez is against it. If this goes through, he and his fellow officers will actually have to do what they are paid to do—go after CRIMINALS. But that would be too dangerous for those gun-toting wussies.

[Thanks to John Hightower]
*For those of you who haven’t read it, “John Galt” is the fictional hero of Ayn Rand’s individualist novel Atlas Shrugged who decides to drop out of his not-so-fictitious/ever-increasing socialist America by hiding out in a remote area of Colorado.


5:19 am on August 28, 2009