Iraq War Scapegoating of Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi

Who is responsible for the escalation in the Iraq War that began in 2003? Who are the war criminals for that event? Such people as Bush 2, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and other high-placed neocons. Instead, there has been an effort to deflect this blame and place it on someone like Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, who supplied false information. This is a way in which a false history is constructed for public consumption and to protect those who made the big decisions from being blamed.

Even if everything he said had been true, it still wouldn’t have justified a U.S. invasion. We have learned of his false information only because self-serving government officials and their supporters wanted us to know this. The CIA is a convenient scapegoat as well because, being secret, no one in it is ever held responsible, and also it can be blamed for supplying mistaken information.

Bush et al. and the CIA knew that al-Janabi’s credibility was poor, but they exaggerated his claims and propagated them anyway for their own purposes.



5:19 am on April 2, 2012