“I’m a pompous warmongering bedwetting crybaby who loves to hear myself maunder.”

Forgive me, I just had to share James Wolcott’s hilarious line in the title. Here’s the context:

Digby: “All those fine words about the rule of law safeguarding our liberties, the arbitrary exercise of power and Bunker Hill, Lexington and Normandy went right out the window on 9/11. That was when Henry [Hyde] and the rest of his stalwart defenders of the rule of law promptly wet their pants and then let their president use the constitution to clean up the puddle.”

…my policy is to refer to the warbloggers in 2006 as “bedwetters.” There need be no shame in being a bedwetter. It’s a condition that can be treated. But for the neocon-converted, treatment first requires taking honest self-inventory. Having the courage to look in the mirror [and] admit, “I’m a pompous warmongering bedwetting crybaby who loves to hear myself maunder.”


10:17 am on January 5, 2006