I Was Wrong

I was about to enter a blog comment asking how long it would take the MSM to start talking about the 2012 election. Being the extreme cynic that I am, I was planning on saying “less than a week.” I was wrong. The correct answer is: Less than a day. I just watched an NBC Nightly News segment that asked the question, “Will Sarah Palin run for president in 2012?” The smearing of Palin by the smug, arrogant, statist media has already begun. (She had more to do with spending campaign funds on expensive clothing for herself than the McCain campaign has admitted, we are ominously informed by NBC).


5:49 pm on November 5, 2008

I was wrong

to praise the French for not using an “obesity crisis” as a justification to expand the state. A LRC reader from France has informed me that the French Government has banned all vending machines from public schools. I should have known better than to believe the BBC, never trust state media!


6:10 pm on August 18, 2004