I Hate Daniel Schorr

NPR is always wheeling out disgusting “legendary journalist” Daniel Schorr to propagandize for the state. He has been heralded for his alleged courage in attacking Nixon, Bush, and other Republicans. But he’s only a partisan, and a boring, creepy one at that. Today, he was asked about the anti-free trade siege of Gaza, which—in the tradition of US sanctions—blocks such WMD as coriander seeds, fishing nets, gardening and dairy equipment, candy, and children’s toys, and the violent protectionist attack on the aid boats. The heroic Schorr said he did not want to get in the middle of that controversy, and so would have no comment. He did say it was wrong to criticize “our president” over the oil leak. Then he was asked about the news that Obama now has personal death squads in 73 countries, far more than Bush. Well, he said, laughing indulgently, every president wants to be be able to apply “direct action” [commit murders]. He’s targeting terrorists!, said the civil libertarian Schorr. But, he was asked, Obama campaigned against Bush—and still criticizes Bush—for doing less of this sort of thing than he now does. Get over it, said the progressive Schorr. They’re terrorists.


10:34 am on June 5, 2010