How Much Do You Pay Per Student?

The Buffalo News today reports that the Buffalo School District spends $900 million a year to educate 37,000 students, and this is accurate. That’s $24,324 per student! Totally exorbitant! Totally outrageous! Our political system is sooooo sick! Two-thirds is money recyled from New York State taxes, which we know are among the highest in the nation. But are other states that far behind? Nope.

If you had two children and actually had to pay this amount, rather than extract it from your neighbors via state taxes, the cost would be almost $50,000. For that amount, you could hire a full-time personal tutor to come to your house and provide your children with a gold-plated education. This is a district in which not even half the students graduate from high school. It has huge problems.

A couple people commenting on the article realize how awful this is and call for disbanding the school district. Heck, disband the State. I have one neighbor who kept a sign on his lawn: Abolish New York State government.


10:23 am on December 19, 2011