Homeland Insecurity: You Can’t Make Up This Stuff

A couple of British tourists who had Tweeted some slang were detained and deported by Homeland Security, which apparently always is on the job, ready to repel non-existent threats:

Leigh Van Bryan, 26, was handcuffed and kept under armed guard in a cell with Mexican drug dealers for 12 hours after landing in Los Angeles with pal Emily Bunting.

The Department of Homeland Security flagged him as a potential threat when he posted an excited tweet to his pals about his forthcoming trip to Hollywood which read: ‘Free this week, for quick gossip/prep before I go and destroy America’.

Leigh also had Tweeted that the pair would “dig up Marilyn Monroe” and agents searched their luggage…for spades and shovels. Welcome to Obamika, folks.


10:53 am on January 30, 2012