‘Hitler’s Haute Cuisine’ Is Thriving in Asia

I recently blogged on the subject of a restaurant in Los Angeles called “Mao’s Kitchen.” I posed the question as to whether or not the powers that be would condemn a restaurant if it had been named after Hitler. (An obvious rhetorical question.)

Now comes great news that in Asia, where the powers that be have no foothold (something for which Asians should be eternally grateful), there are a number of eating establishments that have chosen to name themselves after one of the greatest mass murderers in history.

I write “great news” not because I’m an admirer of Der Führer but because it means that in Asia: (1) the powers that be in the declining west, such as The New York Times, the ADL, and AIPAC, have—as I wrote in the previous paragraph—no foothold in Asia and (2) it means that the Asians are not worried about being politically-incorrect—at least with issues that would upset The New York Times, the ADL, and AIPAC.

[Thanks to Michael Snider]


6:15 am on April 21, 2012