Hillsdale College Again

Peter, readers of Imprimis are starting to bail. I received this note from a reader after I posted my entry on Hillsdale:

“Good timing on your LRC blog entry. I just sent this to Hillsdale on Friday!

Please forward this note to the college President if you don’t mind. From reading Imprimis over the past few years, it is obvious you have fallen in with a bad crowd. The neocons. You are an institution that prides itself on independence from the government. Yet, article after article describe your views as wanting the government to more forcefully control its citizens and the world. And you support war, the biggest government program of all.

Well, you’re not the only well-intentioned frogs who got boiled in the neocon pot. It amost happened to me, but I got lucky and jumped out. You have lost your devotion to liberty and replaced it with ‘patriotism’. Get out while you still can.

You’ll receive no more money from me. Take me off your donor lists, the Imprimis mailing, and any others. Thank you and good luck.” (name withheld, but used by permission)

Another reader told me that when he went to Hillsdale from 1969-1972, there were about fifty Iranian foreign students there. Why are Iranians Islamofascists now but not then? Islam hasn’t changed.


6:42 pm on October 14, 2008