Health Nazi Update

The Rev. Huckabee, in addition to promoting the neocon “fair” tax and a federal war against fat, wants a federal edict against smoking.


8:28 am on August 30, 2007

Health Nazi update

MeMe Roth warns of an impending attack by terrorists who will soon be descending on your neighborhood spreading their weapons of mass destruction. Does she have advance warning of an Al Queada scheme to spread anthrax throughout the nation? No, the terrorists Roth, the head of the “National Crusade Against Obesity,” is warning us about are Girl Scouts and their weapons of mass destruction are Thin Mints and Samoas.

Over in Britain, Prince Charles is urging the state to outlaw McDonalds. Charles is truly the best argument for abolishing the monarchy.

While the nanny state is usually thought of an a left-wing phenom, Jacob Sullum reminds us that the urge to control our live is bipartisan.


9:48 pm on February 28, 2007

Health Nazi update

Karen, the British health Nazis are not satisfied with putting “warning labels” on extra-large clothes. They also have banned advertisements for cheese from children’s television. I wonder if their next target will be the delightful Wallace and Gromit since one of their running jokes is the lead character’s love of demon cheese.


8:04 pm on January 8, 2007

Health Nazi update

Thanks to an LRC reader who alerted me to Washington state’s plan to “check up” on their citizens’ health. Washington state is receiving federal money for this program.

Thanks also to the invaluable Institute for Health Freedom for alerting us to the work of the Citizens Health Care Working Group, a taxpayer funded commission created by the GOP’s Medicare Prescription Drug bill, whose mission seems to be to justify the next great leap foreword into socialized medicine. The core principles of the group are:

“It should be established in law that all Americans have affordable health-care coverage.

Assuring health care is a shared social responsibility—a public responsibility for the health and security of its people.

Shared “social responsibility” implies consideration of health-care costs.

All Americans should have access to health-care services across the continuum of care throughout the lifespan.”

If health care is a social responsibility then don’t we have responsibility to eat right and exercise? And shouldn’t the state make sure we all fulfill this “social responsibility?”


8:21 pm on July 31, 2006