Hatfill’s case

The scientist whose life was ruined by Ashcroft and Co during the anthrax scare has settled his case against the Justice Dept. The $2.8 million (plus an annuity) seems like a paltry sum. But, it is no punishment since (I assume) it will just come out of the magic treasure chest of money in DC and Ashcroft and the other JD employees will not have to pay a dime. And I guess that the JD budget will not really be affected.

I had the honor of inviting Steven Hatfill to speak at Berkeley, but his lawyer advised against it, and he turned down our invitation. Although I understand the decision, I think it was a mistake. I don’t know the motives of the students who suggested that he give a talk, or those who voted for it, but he would have been treated well (I would have been his host) and I’m sure he would have had many interesting things to say – either about his research in biodefense or about being a person of interest and having his professional life shattered overnight. Maybe the biology grad students at Berkeley will invite him again next year?

As his lawyer points out, the anthrax attack remains an unsolved case, but they’d like us to forget that the increased police presence hasn’t really accomplished anything tangible like preventing deaths or solving crimes. It has just put a cloud of suspicion over innocent citizens.


6:22 pm on June 27, 2008