Good-bye and Good Riddance

to Tommy Thompson. Whether helping ram the biggest expansion of the Medicare bill into law, destroying medical privacy and the doctor-patient relationship, or helping Bush turn private charities into clients of the welfare state, Thompson was the modal of a conservative who had made his piece with the nanny state, as long as it was promoting “conservative values.”

Thompson is also an enthusiastic promoter of the war on fat (even though he banned Ephedra, which give many people a natural and safe way to control their weight). In his resignation statement Thompson took credit for “…motivating Americans to eat better and exercise more in order to improve their health and quality of life.”

While Thompson deserves kudos for getting America to eat right and exercise, there is still much work for his successor to do…after all many Americans still don’t brush between meals or get enough sleep.


8:51 pm on December 8, 2004