Forbidden Ideas

The first time I was scheduled to go on an establishment financial network, a famous Keynesian, also due to be on the show, said: If that rat Rockwell is on, I’m off, and so I was off. The other day, I made it on the air, but for 6 minutes instead of the scheduled 30. When I said, in answer to a question, that GM, Chrysler, and the California state government should be allowed to go bankrupt, and that that would be economically helpful as well as morally just, the host wanted to know, What about the jobs? Those aren’t real jobs, I explained, but parasitic jobs that subtract from economic well-being. When I noted that the banks and Wall Street firms should be liquidated too, if they needed government redistribution to stay afloat, there was a shocked intake of breath. When I added that they need not worry, since we live in a bankocracy, he hung up on me. It was funny.


2:15 pm on January 2, 2011