George Clooney: Neocon?

Jason Barnes thinks that if George Clooney, and the rest of the left, are serious about Darfur they should embrace Bush’s foreign policy and call for unilateral military action. Barnes writes as a defender of the Bush doctrine but he makes a good point about the hypocrisy of so-called opponents of Bush’s war screaming for the US to “do something” about Darfur. Barnes does not point out that the concept of “humanitarian intervention” originates on the left, perhaps he has forgotten that it was Bill Clinton who made humanitarian intervention and nation building a cornerstone of American foreign policy. It was only when a Texas Republican began invading nations in the name of “democracy” that the left objected. Prediction: within six months of a Hillary Clinton or Mark Warner Administration most of the so-called anti-war left will have done a 180 degree turn and will be cheerleading the exercise of American power to “democratize” the world.


8:42 pm on May 30, 2006