Gary North

Writes GH:

Years ago, I was taken by Gary North’s way of looking at things, and I’ve never gotten over it. It didn’t take long to learn that not everyone shared my appreciation for Gary’s writings. There were all sorts of reasons given: “He’s too flippant,” “He’s arrogant,” “Those Reconstructionists would turn the country into a Calvinist camp and jail anyone who disagreed,” and on and on. Professing Christians often claim he has some things right, but he’s wrong on too many other things. Others often say he throws the Bible into discussions “where it doesn’t belong.”

I could never put my finger on just what it was about his views that I found so correct — until today. In his article on Stan Freberg, North says that, given the choice of spending a day with a celebrity, “I would pick Stan Freberg. Nobody else.”

Now I know. Anyone who has that much appreciation for all things Freberg is looking at the world through the same lens I see through.


10:03 pm on June 27, 2003