So Much for ‘Free-Market Environmentalism’

I remember when all the usual suspects in the DC libertarian world heralded Bjorn Lomborg and his book The Skeptical Environmentalist because he was a moderate, and not a hardcore type. One must, to be respectable in the Beltway, accept all the idiot and even anti-human notions of environmentalism, then seek to achieve them by semi-market methods. Now, being an enviro-skeptic does not mean disliking the birds and the bees, nor the outdoors. Hunting, fishing, birdwatching, hiking, etc. are all great human pastimes. As to pollution, Rothbard was right here too. But the enviro-skeptic sees mankind as the central fact of nature, with everything to be judged  in relation to people. We also understand that it will take private property in the wilderness, the oceans, etc. for the proper balance to be struck. But back to Bjorn Lomborg: he has now become a total Algorean, whose new book, Smart Solutions to Climate Change: Comparing Costs and Benefits, calls for giant carbon taxes, so the UN can stop mythical man-made global warming. This is, of course, actually a way for the well-connected and corrupt to get richer off the rest of us, and the criminal politicians (if I do not repeat myself) to gain more power.

UPDATE I wrote this manifesto more than 10 years ago.

UPDATE from a friend:

Seems the Discovery gunman was inspired by An Inconvenient “Truth.”

UPDATE The Discovery environmentalist, true to his kind, is especially concerned with stopping the births of more “parasitic human infants.”


1:56 pm on September 1, 2010