Food Labeling For Dummies

I’m tempted to quote this whole article for its condescension. I commented here before that nutrition labeling by government bureaucracies is likely to target one “bad” food while ignoring another. Look at the rules for labeling something in big letters as “0 g trans fat” in the US: it actually means less than 0.5 g trans fat per serving. What about “Healthy“? Well, there are certain conditions regarding fat, sodium, fiber, and vitamin and mineral content that must be met, but there aren’t any limits to the amount of sugar or preservatives in the product.

But, back to the article: Researchers found that current labeling practices “confuse consumers” and consistent labeling will require government regulation. They recommend traffic light color-coding, presumably because people are already trained to follow police-state traffic laws.


11:59 am on May 7, 2009