Fil-A This, Chick

In addition to dealing the corporate media a black eye on Wednesday, the kerfuffle over Chick-fil-A allowed various politicians to make even bigger fools of themselves than usual. One of the most enormous is “Powerful NYC pol,” Christine Quinn.

Prissy Chrissy is speaker of that nest of wannabees, Marxists-to-the-left-of-Mao, and tyrants known as the New York City Council. The Council exists solely to squander our sky-high taxes while making “work” for the otherwise unemployable. It has little power, as the nanny masquerading as mayor recently illustrated: Bloomberg didn’t even bother  pushing his enormously unpopular restriction on sodas through the Council; rather, he skedaddled straight to the bureaucratic regime for help in tyrannizing us. Indeed, you might suppose the Council’s power-hungry morons would all jump ship for positions as bureaucrats, but intelligence has never been their strong suit.

Instead, these twits waste their days trying to differentiate themselves from the other pygmies. To that end, we luckless taxpayers regularly receive newsletters hyping the latest “crisis” our councilcritter has ginned up as well as the slew of laws he proposes to “resolve” it.

Others distinguish themselves with their peccadilloes. Prissy Chrissy falls in this camp. She’s an “out lesbian, who married [sic] her partner in May.” She also exploited the potentials for publicity in the brouhaha over Chick-fil-A. And lucky for us: she thereby furnished yet another example of the megalomania and intolerance typical of Our Rulers.

PC sent a letter to the president of New York University, whose campus boasts the City’s only Chick-fil-A. Though she later “claim[ed] she was just speaking as a private citizen” while ordering her correspondent to run Chick-fil-A off his premises, PC placed her diatribe on official letterhead and began it, “I write as the Speaker of the NYC Council…. NYC is a place where we celebrate diversity” — except, of course, diversity of opinion. And in government: there we languish under a crushing monopoly. “We do not believe in denigrating others,” unless they disagree with Our Rulers. “We revel in the diversity of all our citizens and their families.” Yeah, we heard you the first time, Prissy. Clearly, this gal is an apt student of the Big Lie theory.

“Let me be clear,” she continued, “I do not want establishments in my city that hold such discriminatory views.”

Whoa! In whose city? New York is home to some 8 million residents, most of them a stunning contrast to Prissy with their productivity and virtue. They construct buildings; teach yoga, foreign languages, guitar, swimming, physics, and anything else you can imagine; cook and serve some of the world’s best cuisine; dance, sing and act; treat the sick and comfort the dying; invent new gadgets and sell them as well as older stuff; preach on Sundays; produce plays, concerts, movies, and books; etc, ad infinitum. All this despite such thugs and deviants as Prissy leeching off them while hamstringing them with absurd decrees.

It’s their city, not Prissy’s. Here’s hoping they someday kick her and all her self-important comrades out on their smug butts.


10:05 am on August 3, 2012