
I bumped into the Morning Joe show today, before yelling at the screen and turning it off. Two drones, heralded by an MJ drone, were arguing for a gigantic federal anti-obesity program. 30% of kids, we were told, are fat, and most of them will be fat adults. True enough, but where is the evidence that that the State can hector or compel people into thinness, even if we believe in food totalitarianism? One guy did mention in passing that mass obesity could potentially be cured, because the problem was only 30 years old. Close to the truth, but these propagandists never asked, What Happened? What happened was the federal low-fat, high-grain diet. And thanks to Travis Holte for this suggestive study: mice that eat a high fat diet don’t get fat.


1:33 pm on March 7, 2013