Exploiting Tragedy

With the Olympics about to start, the United States team might look to members of the gun control lobby for possible track medalists. The speed with which these people got to media cameras and microphones to exploit the Colorado killings for political advantage was remarkable, leaving intelligent minds to ask the question ancient Romans would raise: “Cui bono?”

None of the 2nd Amendment foes are sincere in their efforts to rid the world of guns: they only want them out of the hands of private individuals. When I see any of these worshipers of state power proposing to take weapons away from the police and military as well, I might be prepared to listen to their case. In the meantime, gun-control laws, as well as efforts to restrict the Internet, serve no other purpose than to reinforce the state’s monopoly on the use of violence to control people.


9:11 am on July 21, 2012