Even More things not to do to a first-time Mom

In addition to the things mentioned previously, or this, do NOT do the following.

When your baby hardly ever cries but cried a lot when he got his first round of innoculations at 2 months old, so much that the wife cried and asked you to take him in for the second round of innoculations at 4 months old, so she does not have to hear him crying, don’t do this: (a) call your home voicemail on your cell phone just as the nurse is giving the first of 4 shots, thereby leaving the crying on your voicemail; and then (b) call your wife later that day from work, telling her there is a voicemail message someone left for her on the home telephone that she needs to check.Coda: when your wife asks you later, “did you cry when you heard him crying?” don’t say, “No, I was too busy taping it.”


12:59 pm on December 3, 2003