Eric Holder Makes John Mitchell Look Like an Angel

Not that Mitchell, Nixon’s AG was a bad fellow. He seemed like an avuncular type, placidly smoking his pipe and maintaining a presence above the White House plumbers; but at some point, as I recollect, he gave a nod or a word of approval and that spelled his end and a 19 month prison sentence. So what about Holder? He’s busy defending Obama’s murder of Anwar Awlaki, and he no doubt was in on it. None of his defenses make a bit of sense! Not one word! So where are the intrepid reporters in the MSM rising in indignation against this most foul of deeds at the highest levels of government?

I rise or blog in support of Paul Craig Roberts’s article here on Lew Rockwell titled “The Day America Died”. I defy anyone to read an account of Awlaki, such as here, without coming away asking many questions, of which I only mention a few: If Awlaki, an American citizen, is guilty of a crime, and if he is so obviously a bad guy, then why not bring him to trial, present the evidence, and make the case the proper way? And if he has fled the jurisdiction, why does that entitle the president to kill him? Has some judge or court somewhere issued a warrant? Has evidence been presented in some court such that it was legal to place him on a list of wanted men, dead or alive? If he was so bad, why wasn’t he arrested all those many years he lived in America? Why not after 9/11? Although various people and law enforcement entities had suspicions, they had no evidence.

I mean, did the mayor of Chicago have Capone assassinated because he lacked the evidence? Not at all. If he had, it would have been a severe blow to due process of law, and that would have endangered the lives of every American anywhere. And that is Roberts’s point.

Holder is b.s.-ing about killing someone who is an imminent threat to killing Americans in a terror attack. Was Awlaki in that category? That’s what he’s implying. Then what plot was that, and where’s the evidence? Roberts says that Awlaki gave sermons that may have influenced others who are accused of terrorist plots. This is accurate. Is that grounds for Obama and company murdering him?

It’s a very, very sad day to hear AG Holder, the highest law officer in the country, making a case for murder of American citizens without benefit of anything but an administrative review.

His argument does not hold up:

“The Constitution’s guarantee of due process is ironclad, and it is essential, but … it does not require judicial approval before the president may use force abroad against a senior operational leader of a foreign terrorist organization with which the United States is at war, even if that individual happens to be a U.S. citizen.”

If it’s an ironclad guarantee, then it’s ironclad, fool! Idiot!

And again, you fool, do you think that you can justify breaking the Constitution’s ironclad guarantee by using the term “foreign terrorist organization”? That’s nothing more than an administrative and/or legislative construction or designation. You can designate anyone or any organization you want as terrorist and you can link them by association to foreign antagonists, if you will, and does merely making such an association mean that the Constitution is no longer ironclad? Does it die because you’ve placed someone on a list, fool?

And do you think you are saying anything sensible by explaining that the murder is ok because the person is a “senior operational leader”? What in the world does that mean? Is that a legal term? Is that a new category by which a person loses rights?

Was Awlaki even in that concocted category? Prove it.

Is the United States actually at war? With what organization is it at war? Did Congress declare war while we were not looking? Against whom?

Hey, I prefer the goofy antics and hanky-panky of the Watergate plumbers. It gave us all a good laugh. They didn’t go around murdering people. They didn’t insult us with fool rationalizations.

There are plenty of vigilantes ready to support Obama and go kill even more, and they will be asking “What are you going to do, let these terrorists and towel-heads off? Kill ’em! Kill ’em all.” And the answer is, yes, if you can’t prove your case, they get off. We trade-off possible criminals walking out the courtroom door for maintaining the rights of all the rest of us. Dump that tradition and what do you have? You have officials stringing up whomever they want to. And that’s why Roberts correctly titled his article “The Day America Died.”


8:20 pm on March 5, 2012