Elian Gonzales times 437

Sending the 437 Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints children off to foster care is downright awful and reminds me of shipping Gonzales back to Cuba.

That is already a verdict rendered against them and without justice. Their lives will never be the same again.

This has nothing to do with child abuse and everything to do with the production of uniformity and conformity. It has everything to do with a lack of respect for the children and their elders and their way of life. Freedom and rights may as well be flushed down the drain.

It’s happened before in America. The State has deported people for their beliefs, rousted them, jailed them for taking substances, sent them to camps because they were the wrong race, and of course made them slaves.

It is still heartbreaking to see innocents steamrollered by the State.


6:18 pm on April 23, 2008