Education and Cell Phones

Dan McDonald writes:

“I have watched young people from a ‘disadvantaged background’ operate a cell phone…So if the state doesn’t educate the masses with conscripted money the education of the young might look a lot like the disadvantaged kid operating a cell phone. He has command of every feature on his phone from texting to photography to any games on the doggone thing. He is comfortable with this piece of hardware in the industrialized world, while this older college graduate that grew up neither rich nor disadvantaged really is not comfortable using it except like he would use a rotary phone during black and white days when Timmy lived with grandpa, mom, and Lassie. Who taught this young person to use a cell phone and have command of all its features? Why isn’t more public spending being done to insure my education on cell phones? The answer is that the young person from a disadvantaged background learned just fine how to use a cell phone and command all its features, and any money spent on trying to compel me to learn about all the features of a cell phone would be wasted theft from people who worked hard to obtain the money which would be transferred to be spent on me who has never worked a minute on his cell phone except to make sure he can use it like a faithful rotary phone in use back when Lassie was Timmy’s best friend. That says a lot about the millions spent on public education. In a world where education would be everyone’s individual responsibility the disadvantaged would learn like they do using cell phones because they have an interest and not because they feel compelled by a society that wants them to fit in. Meanwhile, if I chose to remain the moron who cursed his cell phone because somehow he turned on the camera which he didn’t want to turn on and now only wants to learn to turn off — so be it; at least no one else’s hard earned money was wasted on bringing me into the 21st century of telephone technology when I could have easily taught myself had I had the inclination.”


5:22 am on July 12, 2012