
Katie Rapp, a member of the Ohio National Guard, “claims that she was repeatedly sexually harassed by men on her unit, both while deployed in Afghanistan and also during basic training in South Carolina.” Duh. What did she expect? She also “said that after reporting the incidents, her captain transferred her to a different platoon, rather than punishing her alleged harassers.” Duh again. What did she expect? Now, while I abhor what the male members of the Ohio National Guard did to her, this is yet another example of why a woman has no place in the military. The culture of the military is evil, and no decent woman (or man) should want to be anywhere near it. If this girl was from a warvangelical church, the church probably cheered when she announced that she was joining the Guard. That is even more evil than what happens in the military.


8:18 am on November 16, 2014