Did OBL Die on 5/2/2011?

Many people think that OBL died in 2001 or so, and they cite various reports to that effect. It’s a viable hypothesis, and so is the one that he was killed in 2011. It would help in resolving the competing claims if we had DNA or other evidence available. The government told us “We have established beyond any doubt, through DNA evidence, facial recognition, visual recognition, the naming of him by individuals on that compound, that Osama bin Laden was shot and killed on Sunday night.” 

That’s from Jay Carney, the White House press secretary on 5/4/2011. The evidence has not been made available, however. That’s bound to raise doubts that he was killed on 5/2/2011. I can’t think of any  strong reason not to release SOME evidence, even photos of his dead body, because what’s in the movies for the past 40 years can’t be much worse; or show the evidence to some selected reputable intermediaries.

When there are several hypotheses that compete and there is no sure evidence to distinguish them in our hands, we each process what we do have, usually reaching a variety of conclusions.


5:07 pm on August 29, 2012