Democratic Demise in Louisiana?

A somewhat incoherent, but interesting, screed arguing–I think–that Hurricane Katrina will result in the devastation of the local Democrat political machine’s control over Louisiana. The author writes:

Katrina marks the end of the Democratic party in its current incarnation. Some day you will be able to measure time as “Before Katrina” and “After Katrina”. The last great Democrat capital of the old south has fallen to an outside force, a force of lawyers and officials that will make life hell for the political machine that has run the state and city for generations, there is no “win” here, only a “hold” and in the end they will have to give up. Louisiana in 20 years time will look like a smaller leaner version of Texas, friendly to business with low taxes and Democrats will only exist in force at the edge of college campuses, just as they do today in the once great Democrat stronghold of Texas.

30 years ago, Texas was Louisiana. Today Texas is an economic force that is capable of the highest growth out of any state in the union. An economy so strong that its taken to supporting 150,000 people from Louisiana in the blink of an eye. A large number of those people will go on to stay in Texas after the waters have been removed from New Orleans but all will be impacted by what they saw in Texas, and some will begin to expect it of their own government when they finally return to Louisiana.

The Louisiana Democratic machine – is Dead.


2:20 pm on September 10, 2005