D.C. Libertarian wages war on property rights

The American Association of Property Rights is fighting to end harassment of the Pilgrams, an Alaskan family whose sole access to and from their property is a road owned by the National Park Service (NPS). The Federal Government has decided it wants the Pilgrams’ land so it has blockaded the road, thus preventing the Pilgrams from leaving their home even to get food or other necessities.

Desperate supporters of the family have even had to
airlift supplies to the Pilgrams .

What is especially disgusting about this case is that the NPS is under the jurisdiction of the Interior Department. Despite this, and other failures to refuse to defend property rights, the Secretary of the Interior is still considered a libertarian by many in D.C. because she goes to the right cocktail parities. I’ve even heard other DC-libertarians equate her with Ron Paul!


9:18 pm on October 28, 2003